Before I start on and on about the Guitar Center’s King of the Blues Guitarist Competition, if anyone out there reads this and has the opportunity to go see the Bon/Taj Roulette show....sell a major organ or family member. I am a huge Taj Mahal fan, and have always respected Bonnie Raitt. After the show at the Fleet/Bank Boston/Bank of Amigos/ Tarp Fund Pavillion last Saturday night I have even more respect for Ms. Raitt’s work. With all the disrespect intended to Ms. Tedeschi, Ms. Tedeschi couldn’t hold Ms. Raitt’s G-String. Ms. Tedeschi maybe physically attractive and put out some good tracks when on Tone Cool, but having witnessed her live a few weeks ago.....well girl, you have a LONG way to go to get to Bonnie’s league.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Quick Hits
Quick Hits
I’m back. My apologies for the delay in posting any new content, unfortunately life tends to get in the way from time to time. Plus being strapped down to a lap top while it is HHH outside just aint my speed. I should be able to knock out some material today as The Georgetown Grille has both beer and free Wifi! Take that Starbucks!
Pardon me while I start by rolling out The Shameless Self Promotion Machine.
Georgetown Fats & The Growlers will be playing JP McBrides tomorrow night, August 22nd, 2009. We’re on at 9:30 PM and will be jamming away until they yell for last call.
Also we seem to be getting some initial interest with a booking at Uncle Eddie’s. Do stay tuned.
I will be posting on my night of judging Guitar Center’s King of the Blues Guitarists competition last night. Do stay tuned. Also, having just picked up a copy of Barrence Whitfield’s latest, a review with the Boston Blues Society is pending.
More later.