Friday, April 16, 2010

Blind Billy Mitchell - Extended Hiatus

Over the years of “working” for the BBS while keeping a band afloat I have had I chance to meet a lot of characters.  Out of a barrel full of characters I have met, “Blind” Billy Mitchell happens to stand out.  
Over the years, “Blind” Billy has been a good friend and mentor for both the “music thing”, and the “writing thing”.  It is disappointing, but understandable, to hear his hiatus from music has been extended.  Like Punxsutawney Phil, Billy is popping his head up tomorrow and then going to back away from the limelight again for a while.
Over the years “Uncle” Bill has fielding many e-mails, phone calls, and texts regarding numerous topics. Drawing from a wealth of personal knowledge, and a dry sense of humor “Uncle” Bill fielded each and every call/e-mail/text with a steady stream of encouragement and had a knack for ending each and every call with a lot of laughs.  I may not have always gotten the answer I was looking for, but we would always have a long talk, a lot of laughs and Billy would give me a pat on the back when deserved and a foot to the backside when also deserved.  
In spite of the semi eulogy I’m providing here, I really don’t expect THAT is going to change, but Blind Billy’s last show for the foreseeable is tomorrow night at The Overtime Sportsbar in Beverly. The truth is, we will probably see him back at some point if not with The Spectacles then sitting in with other bands. Though an accomplished harp player and showman, “Uncle” Bill is a family man first and his priorities are always in order. But if this TRULY is his last show, you betcha ass I’ll be there to catch some of it.
Please join Blind Billy & the Spectacles featuring Tommy Carroll, Neal Dike, and Bob "The Whale" for the last public scheduled gig at the Overtime Sports Bar, Beverly, MA from 9 - 12 Midnight.
The Overtime Sports Bar is a few steps from the Beverly Train Station, just in case you do not want to or shouldn’t drive.

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